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Press release from the Rumson School District

“True change requires a focus on creating a school culture that supports academic, social, emotional, and character development of children.” Maurice Elias

The Rumson School Guidance Department has established 10 Pillars of Character as the theme-based initiative for the 2017-2018 School Year to guide good choices for our students.

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In November 2015, the Rumson Borough School District adopted Policy 7461: Sustainability — an initiative that guides our schools toward decisions designed to protect the environment from harm, educate our students to be environmentally responsible, and preserve natural resources.

More than a year later, the borough’s schools, Deane Porter and Forrestdale, have worked to put that policy into effect each day — and the district has formed a Green Team in support of various environmentally conscious projects.

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Press release from Rumson School District

Rumson School District’s Wellness Committee is hard at work planning and organizing activities and events to promote healthy habits and the well-being of students and staff. The committee is a vehicle to promote and inform teachers, staff, students and families about health, active lifestyles and nutrition.

Our Committee consists of parents, school nurses, Forrestdale School’s health teacher, a Simplified Culinary Food Service Manager, Physical Education teachers and the principals of the borough’s public schools. The dynamic combination of various backgrounds and specialties allows for a plethora of ideas and strategies to improve our schools.

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Press release from Rumson School District

Continuing a yearlong partnership between the Rumson School District and CHHANGE (the Center for Holocaust, Human Rights and Genocide Education center at Brookdale Community College), Forrestdale School provides its 7th and 8th grade students with several fantastic educational opportunities.

In January, Rumson art teachers Amy Lepping and Robin Yaeger attended a professional development opportunity that focused on fostering an artistic response from our students as they witness the world around them.  During their time at the Chhange center, the teachers were provided with a first-hand account from artist and Holocaust survivor Claire Boren, who has taken her experiences and created artistic representations in response to the events of her childhood.

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Press release from Rumson School District

The Tri-District Initiative is a partnership that begins in the elementary and middle schools of Rumson and Fair Haven boroughs, and continues at the separate district dedicated to Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School. In the spirit of aligning programs and creating dialog between the students, families and educators, the special services department at each district created a public-invited program under the name Special Education Parent Academy.

This forum features topics that can help parents at each level of the educational process. For December’s meeting, the tri-district team shared information regarding supports and programming for students receiving special education services, as they transition from middle to high school and beyond.

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Press release from Rumson School District

DP_Community_Helpers_PhotoSome chose police officers and firefighters. Others favored letter carriers, doctors, nurses, and teachers — while veterinarians proved to be a very popular choice.

Recently, Rumson School District kindergarteners embarked on an exploration of the importance of these and other “community helpers.” With each student encouraged to select the community helper that interested them, and that they wanted to learn more about, the project allowed them to work independently and search for answers to questions they created, on their own.

Teachers such as Ms. Feeney were on hand to guide, coach and facilitate the students as needed, helping them find books and online resources, and encouraging them to stretch their ideas and reflections. Students expressed excitement over their being allowed to choose which helper they could research, and what type of information they wanted to learn.

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Press release from Rumson School District

At the November 30 meeting of the Rumson School District Board of Education, Superintendent Dr. John Bormann and fellow board members congratulated students in grades 3-8 for obtaining perfect scores on the 2015 PARCC English Language Arts, PARCC Mathematics, and/or NJASK Science assessments.

The PARCC is given each year in the Spring to students in grades 3-8, and the NJASK is given in science to students in grade 4 and in grade 8.

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crisis_prevention_institute_-_mrs-_sandy_self_ldtc_mrs-_arlene_troynousky_ldtc_and_ms-_kimberly_bohichik_bcbaSandy Self, Arlene Troynousky, and Kimberly Bohichik take part in a Crisis Prevention Institute training session hosted by Rumson School District.

The Rumson School District has continued its push to bring new and innovative ideas and strategies to their staff — and in November, the Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) training provided school personnel with ways to de-escalate potentially challenging behaviors, both in and around the classroom.

The CPI is an international training organization that teaches more than 1.2 million human services professionals each year how to safely and effectively manage behaviors. The core principles driving the program focus on the care, welfare, safety and security of all students and staff.

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deane-porter_teachers_in_breakout_session_with_dr-_kingorePress release from Rumson School District

In October, the Rumson School District welcomed the internationally recognized author and educator Dr. Bertie Kingore to Forrestdale School for two days of continuing education for our teachers. Over the course of those two days, Dr. Kingore spent time with teachers across all grade levels, focusing on her theme that “educators understand the importance of nurturing every student while we recognize and appropriately challenge high ability learners.”

As a sought-after speaker on differentiation, reading and gifted education, Dr. Kingore (pictured in a “breakout” session with teachers from Deane-Porter School) has been recognized as an authority on gifted students’ rights, responsibilities and differentiation needs. She is the author and developer of the Kingore Observation Inventory [KOI], which is used to assist teachers in designing appropriate differentiated learning experiences for young learners.

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rumson-bike-license-platesPress release from Rumson School District

On October 7, Rumson families participated in the district’s first annual “Walk or Bike to School Day,” as the district partnered with the Rumson Police Department and PTO to encourage students to “walk or bike to ignite!” The tagline for the event promoted the district’s new branding message which was launched for the 2016 – 2017 school year, “Rumson Schools, Igniting Potential.”

Students who participated were greeted by Forrestdale and Deane-Porter staff members, awarded stickers as they arrived, and found their designated spot in the “Bike Parking Lot.”  At the conclusion of the day, prior to the ride home, the PTO  provided students with a healthy snack and reusable bottle water fill station.

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violet_-_therapy_dog_with_kids_at_deane-porterStudents at Deane-Porter School greet their new reading buddy, Violet, Rumson-Fair Haven’s therapy dog.

Press release from Rumson School District

Often, children who have difficulty reading, fear the judgment they receive and become self-conscious while practicing the skill aloud. A reading program involving a dog as a listener has the potential to change that.

Recently, students at Rumson’s Deane Porter and Forrestdale schools welcomed a very special regular guest, as Violet, the official therapy dog of Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School, joined several RFH students in English Language Arts classes at the two borough schools.

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Deane Porter Movin On UpPress release from Rumson School District

On the afternoon of June 9, a new class of Rumson students experienced a fun hometown rite of passage, when they took part in the annual “Movin’ On Up” Ceremony, presented in the cafeteria of Deane-Porter School.

Family members and school staff celebrated the achievements and promise of the third graders who are preparing to transition to fourth grade at nearby Forrestdale School.

“I know that you will accomplish wonderful things at Forrestdale,” said Deane-Porter School Principal Shari Feeney, while Jennifer Gibbons, Principal of Forrestdale School, welcomed her newest students at the ceremony.

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Deane-Porter Spring concertMusic teacher Valerie Wagner (back to camera) leads students through a performance at the 2016 Deane-Porter Second and Third Grade Spring Concert.

Press release from Rumson School District

Beautiful voices and high energy filled the air as second and third grade students at Deane-Porter School presented their patriotic-themed Spring Concert on the evening of June 2. The delightful performances were directed by Deane-Porter Music Teacher Valerie Wagner.

Song selections for the third graders were “This Is America” (featuring soloists Santina Diaco-Cardillo and Olivia Spiegel), “Rocky Mountain,” “Rock Star” (featuring soloists Britt Lumsden and Mary Helen McCooey), and “Yankee Doodle Boy//Kid from the USA.”

Second graders performed “Hoe Down,” “The Crawdad Songs,” “La Cucaracha,” and “Thankful for the U.S.A.” The final performance was the “Deane-Porter School Song” performed by second and third graders.

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Press release from Rumson School District

The students and faculty of the Rumson School District were excited to be involved in the recent Environmental Springfest at Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School. The April 23 event was dedicated to sharing information on the environment, mixed in live music, eco-friendly vendors, food, and other fun activities.

Mrs. Robin Yaeger and her Art Enrichment class at Deane-Porter Elementary School painted butterflies, dragonflies and owls on newspaper canvases that they had created. The bright colors and designs were eye catching to an environmentally crafted scene.

The Forrestdale School Art Club, taught by Mrs. Amy Lepping, created a colorful wall hanging of the Serengeti by fusing together recycled plastic bags. Their work was creative and inspiring to all.

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Press release from Rumson School District

In honor of the recent Teacher Appreciation Week, the Rumson Parent-Teacher Organization treated the staff to a week-long celebration. The week included breakfasts, lunches, a cookie swap, and a Wellness Event, all planned for the hard-working teaching staff at Deane-Porter and Forrestdale Schools.

The Wellness Event was certainly the staff favorite, as there was something for everyone to enjoy, including tarot card readers, massage therapists, golf swing analysis, refreshments and a fantastic selection of raffle items.

Students in the Forrestdale Spirit Club surprised all teachers with hand written cards honoring all that they do, while the Administrative Team recognized teachers with a small gift, starter herb seeds and this note: Teachers plant seeds of knowledge in their students. Take some time to plant your own garden and reflect on how many seeds of knowledge you have planted over the years in your students.  Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

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Press release from Rumson School District

Studies show that children who watch less TV are more likely to read well and to be physically fit…and that each week, American children spend more time in front of a screen than they do in school!

During the Week of May 2, students at Forrestdale and Deane-Porter Schools participated in Screen-Free Week, a nationwide event sponsored by Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood and celebrated by schools, families, and other civic and community groups each year.

During Screen-Free Week, millions of children and adults pledge to be screen-free for at least one full day. Instead of watching TV or playing video games, children are encouraged to read, play, think, create, get physically active, and spend more time with friends and family.

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Rumson Arbor Day 2Forrestdale and Deane Porter students participate in the ceremonial planting of a tree as Rumson Borough Shade Tree Commission Chairman Stephen Barrett looks on.

Press release from Rumson School District  

Students at two Rumson schools celebrated Arbor Day with a Legacy Project planting and a poem, as well as a ceremony held at Deane Porter School on the morning of April 29.

The celebration was attended by all students in Pre-K and Kindergarten, two student representatives from each first through third grade class, and Student Government Officers as well as Homeroom Representatives from grades four through eight at Forrestdale School. Dignitaries on hand included Rumson Borough Mayor John Ekdahl, Rumson Borough Shade Tree Commission Chairman Stephen Barrett, and Board of Education members.

For the Legacy Project, students in grades Pre-K through eight participated in a “Bucks for Barks” fundraiser organized by the Student Government Association. Donations totaling $6,281.00 were used to purchase trees that were planted on the school grounds by students in each grade level.

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Fishbowl_ForrestdalePress release from Rumson School District

On April 11, Forrestdale School held its annual Fishbowl event, organized and led by Forrestdale’s own Peer Mentors and Top Dawgs. These 8th grade students have been honing their leadership skills throughout the school year by planning events for all grade levels.

During this event, parents and students joined together in order to hear one another’s perspectives on key issues facing adolescents today. The format encouraged participants to actively listen, instead of simply waiting for their turn to speak, without interruptions or distractions.

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Dr Alison BlockPress release from Rumson School District 

Types of Anxiety. What Determines “Normal.” Distinguishing between Thoughts and Feelings. Dealing with Phobias. And the phenomenon of “Almost-Anxiety.” These were the topics of discussion, when some 45 parents of Rumson School District students attended another session of “Parent Acaemy” at Forrestdale School on the night of February 18.

The parents joined guest speaker Dr. Alison Block for a lecture on “Recognizing Anxiety in Elementary and Middle School Children,” with school officials including  Superintendent Dr. John Bormann, School Psychologist Spencer Austin, School Counselors Jenn Crow and Jessica Piernik, and Supervisor of Student Services Vera Ridoux, also in attendance.

“What I would like is for all of you to leave here with a model to help you understand anxiety in your child, as well as steps you can take to address it,” said Dr. Block, a licensed psychologist and well-known cognitive behavioral therapist, and the Director of the Health Psychology Center in Little Silver. “Kids are great at telling us how they feel, but what we need to examine is what they are thinking when they feel this way.”

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Forrestdale band concertForrestdale School band director John Lebitsch conducts the Jazz Ensemble during the annual Winter Concert program in the school’s auditorium.

Press release from Rumson School District

The winter blues were kept at bay for one memorable night, as the Forrestdale School Winter Band Concert took place on the evening of January 14. Led by Forrestdale School Band Director John Lebitsch, the Advanced and Intermediate Bands and the Jazz Ensemble played to a packed house, and delighted the crowd.

The evening’s lineup featured Advanced Band performances of “Autumn Fanfare” (composed by Mekel Rogers) and “Train Heading West” (Timothy Broege). The Intermediate Band performed the Brian Balmages composition “Midnight Suite,” and the Combined Advanced and Intermediate Bands teamed up for a performance of the Tchaikovsky favorite “March from the Nutcracker.”

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Rumson Schools CodePress release from Rumson School District

Computers are everywhere, touching nearly every aspect of our lives — but surprisingly, fewer schools teach computer science now than were teaching it 10 years ago.

“Teaching kids to code is just as important as teaching them any other language,” stated Apple CEO Tim Cook on December 9th, 2015. “And the younger they start learning it, the better.”

This sentiment is echoed by the Rumson School District. Both Educational Technology teachers, Mark Panas of Deane-Porter (K-3) and Chris Macioch of Forrestdale (4-8) and their students have joined in on the largest education event in history: The Hour of Code.

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Rumson Laurie VolpeSupervisor of Curriculum, Instruction and Guidance Laurie Volpe addresses parents at Forrestdale School, during the Rumson School District’s presentation of “Understanding Your Child’s PARCC Scores.”

Press release from Rumson School District 

On the evening of January 11, the Rumson School District invited parents of borough students to a public presentation entitled “Understanding Your Child’s PARCC Scores.” Over 40 parents attended the Parent Academy presentation inside the All Purpose Room at Forrestdale School, co-hosted by Superintendent Dr. John Bormann and Laurie Volpe, Supervisor of Instruction, Curriculum, and Guidance.

This spring, and for the second consecutive year, the Borough of Rumson is preparing to administer Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) testing for all students in the public school system. Testing will take place from April 11 – 15 for students in grades four through eight, and from May 2-6 for third graders.

The 7 pm Parent Academy presentation provided district parents with timely information and perspective on the PARCC Assessment, which is aligned with Common Core Standards.

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Supt Borman RumsonRumson Superintendent of Schools Dr. John E. Bormann (at right) discusses a group activity during the October 26th session of the Rumson School District’s “Parent Academy.”

Press release from Rumson School District

The Rumson School District recently sponsored a Parent Academy session, for the purpose of outlining Social and Emotional Learning initiatives taking place in Forrestdale and Deane-Porter Schools.  Over 90 parents of borough schoolchildren attended the event, held on the evening of October 26 and hosted by Superintendent Dr. John E. Bormann, Deane-Porter School Counselor Jessica Piernik, and Forrestdale School Counselor Jenn Crow.

“School is one of the few places where children are faced with social situations and conflicts that can be handled by working together with caring adults,” said Bormann. “This makes us an excellent proving ground.”

“We are supplying our students with a much-needed venue to make missteps in the presence of well-informed staff members who will correct them and guide them in the right direction.”

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Rumson superPress release from Rumson School District

Dr. John E. Bormann, Ed. D., has been announced as Superintendent of the Rumson School District. A special Rumson Board of Education Meeting, during which all members voted unanimously in favor of his appointment, was held on June 9 at Forrestdale School.

A two-time recipient of the Governor’s Teacher Recognition Award,  Dr. Bormann (at left in photo) was selected from a field of 32 candidates, and will be responsible for Deane-Porter School (Pre-K through third grade) and Forrestdale School (fourth through eighth grade). His official start date is August 1, and his contract runs through June 30, 2020.

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Rumson teachersEighth Grade ELA teacher Lori Zucker of Forrestdale School, and First Grade teacher Holly Nixon of Deane-Porter School were recently named Teachers of the Year by the Rumson Board of Education.

Press release from Rumson School District

At its April 29 meeting held at Forrestdale School, the Rumson Board of Education honored Holly Nixon and Lori Zucker as its “Teachers of the Year” for 2015. The two educators received accolades from the Board and members of the administration, with family, friends, and colleagues in attendance.

A First Grade teacher at Deane-Porter School, Nixon has taught at both Deane-Porter (Pre-K to Third grades) and Forrestdale (Fourth through Eighth grades) Schools during her 14 years with the Rumson School District. She received her undergraduate degree from Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts and attained her M. Ed. from Kean University in Union, New Jersey. A mother of four children — all of whom attended grade school in the district — she has been a resident of Rumson for the past 22 years.

An eighth grade English Language Arts (ELA) teacher, Zucker is a 10-year member of the Forrestdale School faculty. She received her undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. and her M. Ed. from Teachers College/Columbia University in New York City. She began her teaching career at John Adams Elementary School in North Brunswick, New Jersey, and spent 10 years working in educational publishing before returning to the classroom. She lives in Oakhurst with her husband, two children, nephew and dog.

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