Press release from Red Bank Regional High School

On Friday, May 12, at 7 pm, the dance majors of the Visual and Performing Arts Academy at Red Bank Regional High School present their “Spring Dance Extravaganza” inside the theatre of the school at 101 Ridge Road in Little Silver.

The 7 p.m. show will feature 24 pieces, with RBR dance teacher Cara Scacco, describing the program as “a lot of yearning, emotional lyrical pieces in addition to contemporary, hip hop, ballet, jazz, pointe and tap.”

Choreographers include the students, as well as their teacher and two special guest artists, both graduates of Rutgers University — MaryAlice Crelin, whose “fun sassy commercial jazz piece” for the juniors and seniors will open the show, and Garamh Kim, who is teaching the underclassmen a traditional Korean piece.

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