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just_in1A Little Silver police officer was charged with simple assault Friday following an alleged domestic violence incident in Sea Bright a day earlier, authorities tell redbankgreen.

Joseph Glynn, Jr., 26, was issued a summons in his hometown of Middletown for a disorderly persons violation after the purported victim reported the matter to police there, according to Charlie Webster, spokesman for the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s office.

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AlbertMartin5005by7Press release from Red Bank Regional High School 

On Saturday, April 26, the Red Bank Regional High SchoolRed Bank Regional High School Source Foundation will hold its first annual Bowling Classic to benefit the Albert E. Martin, Jr., Scholarship fund.  The event takes place at Brunswick Zone, 1400 Route 36 in Hazlet, at 12:30 pm.

Albert Martin was a much beloved young man and captain of the RBR Boys’ Basketball team. He died suddenly from a heart issue in December of 2012. The RBR community hopes to forever honor him with this scholarship given to a deserving student each year in his memory. His family members are active participants in this fundraising event. The Source Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.

A $20 ticket includes shoe rental, playing time and lunch. Music will also be provided by D.J. Mike. Checks are payable to The Source Foundation and may be obtained by contacting Suzanne Keller, the Director at the SOURCE at (732)842-8000, ext. 1-236 or calling Tracy Dixon at (732)527-2344 or Tonya Richard at (732)685-8112.