2013-Hoop-Shoot-Logo1Press release from Red Bank Elks Lodge

Elks believe that sporting activities for youngsters provide spirited competition, develop character, and help make new friendships. So, the Red Bank Elks Lodge #233 is inviting local area youth to our free basketball HoopShoot contest, a free-throw competition, on Sunday December 28 at St. Anthony’s of Padua, Bridge Avenue and Herbert Street in Red Bank.

Scheduled for 1 pm, the competition is open to boys and girls in three age categories: 8 to 9, 10 to 11, and 12 to 13 (ages as of April 1, 2015). Scoring is based on each contestant shooting 25 free throws.

The top-scoring boy and girl will each win a trophy and the opportunity to represent the lodge at the district level competition in January.

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