Red Bank Regional students Samantha LaRocca, Emma Craven and Morgan Grant display some of the more than 650 cigarette butts they collected around town for the “Get the Filter Out” initiative, one of a number of dosomething.org campaigns aimed at making a difference in their communities.
Press release from Red Bank Regional High School
According to Red Bank Regional High School senior Emma Craven, “My Generation has a bad rap for being lazy and not so motivated or engaged to change things…this website (dosomething.org) is trying to encourage people our age to get out there and help.”
As the Red Bank resident explains, the website “lists all types of campaigns you can do, depending on any cause you might be interested in and the blueprint to do it.” Since the summer, Emma and her friends have made maximum use of this unique platform for volunteering — collecting over 600 pieces of clothing for the poor; sending 100 pounds of candy to our troops overseas; donating funds from a retro-board game party to a family shelter. They also collected over 650 cigarette butts — in this case, to keep the non-biodegradable materials from choking local landfills.
All of the above activities were based on ideas found on the dosomething.org website. The campaigns can be as incredibly simple as using reusable water bottles versus plastic ones, and collecting aluminum cans — or as involved as teaching a senior citizen how to use a computer.