Mrs._Brister,_Mrs._Miller,_Mrs._Alter_-_Grow_NJ_Kids_Program-_RumsonL-R: Mrs. Brister, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Alter review materials related to Grow NJ Kids, a statewide program that the Rumson School District recently subscribed to.

Press release from Rumson School District

As part of an effort to enhance our Preschool program and offerings, the Rumson School District is pleased to announce a collaboration with the New Jersey Departments of Children and Families, Education, Health, and Human Services.

The district’s vision is to establish a program with two goals: improve our early childhood education practices and develop the highest quality preschool program. To accomplish these goals, Rumson has enrolled in the Grow NJ Kids program, which provides districts with support in enhancing program quality and vision for continuous improvement.

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