Groundskeeper AnimaudioGroundskeeper (left) and Animaudio (right) are just two of the local bands participating in the first joint Spring Connection Band Night partnership between three area churches Friday night.

Press release from Park Church

Three area places of worship — First Baptist Church of Red Bank, Park Church and Tower Hill Church — are bringing their middle and high school youth groups together for the first ever Spring Connection Band Night on Friday, May 29.  The concert and the after-party are at Park Church, 31 Park Road in Tinton Falls.

Scheduled to begin at 7 pm, the event is free with a donation of a non-perishable food item to help the Red Bank based nonprofit Lunch Break. All middle school and high school age students of Monmouth County are invited to attend the concert, which features such local bands as Groundskeeper, Animaudio, Dogwood Laine, Good Vivations and more.

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