Andrew Gennusa in the new Zebu Forno space at 12 Broad Street, with one of Gregg Hinlicky’s murals from the last one. (Click to enlarge)


It’s not without its terrors, shutting down a business in order to move it, Andrew Gennusa will tell you.

And when the reopening takes months longer than expected, as has been the case with Gennusa’s Zebu Forno coffee house in downtown Red Bank, life can get truly white-knuckle.

But one thing that Gennusa says has kept up his spirits is his occasional visit to the Starbucks just down Broad Street. It’s there that, along with a cup of joe he happens to like, he’s sure to get a dose of love from his own customers, who tell him they can’t wait for his restaurant to reopen.

“That’s been the most encouraging thing,” he tells redbankgreen. “You and I can go in there right now, and no less than two people will ask me when I’m reopening. I have strangers stopping me on the street to ask.”

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