A Red Bank man has been charged with sexual assault for “inappropriately touching” a client at his Little Silver golf coaching business, the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office announced Thursday.
A Red Bank man has been charged with sexual assault for “inappropriately touching” a client at his Little Silver golf coaching business, the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office announced Thursday.
Heavy turnout forced the relocation of the RBR board meeting to the media center, above. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)
Red Bank Regional students and parents packed a board of ed meeting Wednesday night in a bid to save the ice hockey and golf programs from a budgetary axe.
With a preliminary spending plan calling for a 6.5-percent tax increase, board members defended the cuts as necessary before parents appeared to coalesce around a plan to save the sports through outside fundraisers.
Superintendent Lou Moore at Wednesday’s RBR board meeting. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)
The union representing teachers at Red Bank Regional accused Superintendent Lou Moore Wednesday night of running the three-town high school district with an “authoritarian” approach and a “general lack of integrity.”
The bombshell accusations were made at a board of ed meeting hours after the Red Bank Regional Education Association’s members “overwhelmingly” cast a no-confidence vote against Moore, said math teacher Sunny Lenhard.
Held as always amid the cubicles of the CPA practice Curchin Group in Lincroft, the 12th annual Curchin Open indoor miniature golf tournament raised $22,000 for two charities earlier this month.
Once a year, the Curchin Group in Lincroft, a CPA practice, moves its desks and files aside and transforms its Half Mile Road office into a miniature golf course, where it hosts a fundraiser called the Curchin Open.
This year’s edition, held last Wednesday, generated $18,000 for two charities: Mary’s Place by the Sea and the Monmouth County SPCA, which brought two rescues (including a pup named Coco, right) to the event.
redbankgreen was there to document the fun, which included a packed clubhouse bar, a buffet and games. Be sure to click the “read more” for additional photos. (Photos by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge)
For the second straight year, the Curchin Open, an annual indoor golf event held in the Lincroft offices of the CPA firm Curchin Group, netted $15,000 for charity as players navigated a course of holes set up between cubicles and along hallways.
This year’s beneficiaries of the fundraiser were the Samaritan Center at the Jersey Shore and HABcore Inc. Click the ‘read more’ for additional photos. (Click to enlarge)
Let’s face it, golf is about exercise without breaking a sweat, right? So why not do it in the climate-controlled comfort of an office, beverage in hand?
The Curchin Open, an indoor golf tournament held annually in the Lincroft offices of the CPA firm Curchin Group, returns for its ninth edition Wednesday. And amid the scratch-off games, raffles and fine refreshments, players will once again get to play nine, fun-filled holes laid out among the cubicles.
The proceeds of the event (at $20 per player) will be split between the Samaritan Center at the Jersey Shore and HABcore Inc. The open runs from 4 to 7 p.m. at 200 Schulz Drive, suite 400. To reserve a tee time, call Dawn Grosso at 732-747-0500. (Click to enlarge)
Dozens Canada geese appeared to take the driving snowstorm in stride – or rather, at ease – on the links at the Rumson Country Club early Tuesday afternoon. (Photos by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge)
The Curchin Open, an annual indoor golf event held in the Lincroft offices of the CPA firm Curchin Group, netted $15,000 for charity as players navigated a course of holes set up between cubicles and in hallways; one wore her favorite golf shoes.
The proceeds will be split between the Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore and Family and Children’s Services. (Click to enlarge)
It was a get-outside kind of day on the Green Tuesday, and locals took advantage of summerlike temperatures in the high 70s.
A biker, above, got some air on West Front Street in Red Bank, above, and a duffer tried to find his way back to the hole at the Navesink Country Club, below. But the blooming forsythia at right above offered a reminder that the start of summer is still more than two months away.
Our sudden-onset spring continues Wednesday with temperatures again climbing to nearly 80 degrees and possible thunderstorms, the Weather Channel forecasts. (Click to enlarge)
With the start of Spring, 2013, hibernators all over the Green emerged to morning-cough an answer to last week’s Where Have I Seen This, which showed a sand trap surrounded by well-tended grass.
The Curchin Open, an annual indoor-golf fundraiser now held for six years running among the cubicles of the Curchin Group, a Lincroft CPA firm, went off (as usual) in excellent weather Wednesday, raising some $12,000 for Prevention First an Big Brothers Big Sisters of Monmouth County. (Click to enlarge)