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Red Bank Regional senior Willow Martin of Little Silver will have her short play “Late Shift” performed by the professional actors of New Jersey Repertory Company October 8. 

Press release from Red Bank Regional High School

When New Jersey Repertory, the acclaimed professional stage company in Long Branch, inaugurates its new West End Arts Center facility in October, it will be with a multi-media Theater and Arts Festival organized around the theme “All About Eve.” At the heart of the eight-day festival will be the world premieres of 28 short plays — a select group winnowed from over 450 submissions — and a collection that includes a one-act drama authored by a 16 year old high school senior who attends the Visual and Performing Arts Academy at Red Bank Regional.

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Press release from Red Bank Regional High School

The Creative Writing majors at Red Bank Regional High School recently learned that they earned 62 regional and one national award in the prestigious 2017 Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, an annual competition sponsored by the nonprofit Alliance for Young Artists & Writers. Over 330,000 works were submitted by students from around the United States, of which 2,500 received awards from the Alliance.

Senior Kyle Eber of Bradley Beach earned a National Silver Award for 2017, the second year in a row in which he has taken this honor. Kyle will continue his study of creative writing at Emerson College in Boston next year.

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NationalwinnersRed Bank Regional Creative Writing teacher Dr. Gretna Wilkinson  is pictured at center with RBR students Mya Nunnaly and Liv Winnicki. Mya and Liv were respectively winners of National Gold and Silver Medals in the annual Scholastic Art Awards, with Mya also winning a prestigious Gedenk Award, seeing her poem published in the competition’s 2015 National Catalog, and meeting both Chelsea Clinton and Whoopi Goldberg at the Carnegie Hall ceremony. 

Press release from Red Bank Regional High School

One of the most popular Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) programs at Red Bank Regional High School is Creative Writing. Every year, Dr. Gretna Wilkinson’s students make her proud at the national Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, and this year was no exception, with 32 RBR Creative Writing Majors winning three dozen gold and silver medals, as well as 16 Honorable Mentions at the regional level.

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