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AJRFH junior Andrew J. (A.J.) Kelly (third from left, with his father Phillip, mother Melissa, and grandfather James) received the Dwight D. Eisenhower Outstanding Leader of Character Award and the St. Michael’s College Book Award.

Press release from Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School

The achievements of dozens of standout scholars, athletes and performing artists were honored by the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School Board of Education, in a June 16 ceremony at the school’s auditorium.

Special honors went to senior Andrew Maris, commended for achieving the status of Semi-Finalist in the Final Round of the Presidential Scholarship Competition, and to junior A.J. Kelly, who was selected for both the Dwight D. Eisenhower Outstanding Leader of Character Award, and the St. Michael’s College Book Award.

A complete list of honorees appears after the break.

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RobotThe members of “Team Mystery Gang” (Helena Van Hemmen, Jenny Greener, Leigh Forsyth) and “Team Transformers” (Matt Ramirez, Reed DiCenso, John Phelan, Jack Rallo) were among the teams from Rumson-Fair Haven Regional competing in the recent NJ Coast IEEE Robot Challenge.

Press release from Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School

Seven teams made up of students from Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School competed — with one RFH team achieving a third place finish — during the recent New Jersey Coast IEEE Robot Challenge, hosted at the Lincroft campus of Brookdale Community College.

“Team Starlords,” composed of seniors JC Liang, David Mancuso and Liam Packer, was the top RFH finisher among more than 40 teams representing 15 New Jersey high schools. During the five-hour event on Saturday, May 2, each team was required to build a robot using a kit. The teams were judged on their robots’ performance in a race, and also on oral and written reports. The 28 RFH students who took part in the competition, the goal of which is to make students aware of the requirements and workplace challenges facing today’s professional engineers, were sponsored by the school’s Scientific Frontier Club.

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Rumson-Fair Haven student volunteers worked with designer Liz Balogh of Lin’s Linens, to transform the living space of an area cancer patient.

Press release from Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School

Members of the National Art Honor Society (NAHS) of Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School recently put their talents to work,to brighten the living space of an area woman being treated for cancer.

The students worked with the non-profit organization Lin’s Linens, Inc., which supports female cancer patients by re-decorating a room within their homes to encourage rest and healing. With the help of area interior designers and numerous volunteers, Lin’s Linens, Inc. is able to create an inviting new space within the time span of just one weekend at no cost to the recipient.

Students participating in the project included seniors Chelsea Chinery, Matthew (Matt) Dell, Matthew (Matt) Hervilly, Rachel Knochenhauer, Enzo Lucarelli, Kate Sherman, and Jacob (Jake) Sillen  and sophomores Sheridan Camarata, Christian Capanelli, Jacqueline (Jackie) Kho, and Kiera McKay.

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