NationalwinnersRed Bank Regional Creative Writing teacher Dr. Gretna Wilkinson  is pictured at center with RBR students Mya Nunnaly and Liv Winnicki. Mya and Liv were respectively winners of National Gold and Silver Medals in the annual Scholastic Art Awards, with Mya also winning a prestigious Gedenk Award, seeing her poem published in the competition’s 2015 National Catalog, and meeting both Chelsea Clinton and Whoopi Goldberg at the Carnegie Hall ceremony. 

Press release from Red Bank Regional High School

One of the most popular Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) programs at Red Bank Regional High School is Creative Writing. Every year, Dr. Gretna Wilkinson’s students make her proud at the national Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, and this year was no exception, with 32 RBR Creative Writing Majors winning three dozen gold and silver medals, as well as 16 Honorable Mentions at the regional level.

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