Sixteen RBR graduating seniors are the first in their school’s history to achieve a Biliteracy certification on their diploma. Pictured above are: (left to right, back row) RBR Principal Risa Clay; Darby Olex-Memoli, Kevin Burke, Brooke Willemstyn, Jack Fioretti, Brenda Ramos, Isabel Kupilik, Hannah Haugenes, Kathiusca ParrisValencia, ELL Coordinator and IB Teacher Rose Powers; (front row) LeidyFabiana Villegas, Fausto Benitez, Cassie Jain, Carlos Pantle, Daysi Arevalos-Avalos; Katherine Hurtado.
Press release from Red Bank Regional High School
For the past two years, a handful of high schools have participated in a pilot program to establish a bilingual literacy certification for graduating students. The movement known as the Seal of Biliteracy is currently working its way through the legislative process to make New Jersey the tenth state in the nation to offer such a certification.
Sixteen Red Bank Regional High School students from the graduating class of 2015 were awarded that certification at the June 8 RBR Senior Awards Ceremony. The recipients were Daysi Arevalo-Avalos, Cassie Jain, Brenda Ramos, Fausto Benitez, Isabel Kupilik, Maya Smith, Kevin Burke, Darby Olex-Memoli, Julia Sullivan, Jack Fioretti, Carlos Pantle, Leidy Fabiana Villegas, Hannah Haugenes, Kathiusca Parris Valencia, Brooke Willemstyn, and Katherine Hurtado. All of the students earned their second language certification in Spanish, with the exception of Cassie Jain, who earned it in French.