ChrisCarlinandcoChris Carlin (in blue shirt, sixth from left) is pictured with Red Bank Regional teacher Sandra Ploe, Breana Whittington, Lauren DeMarco, Jack Navitsky, teacher Christina Emrich, teacher James Young, Sadiq Palmer, and Katie Carroll. The sports broadcaster was welcomed by students and staff from RBR’s Academy of Sports Medicine and Management.

Press release from Red Bank Regional High School

Sports TV and radio celebrity Chris Carlin recently visited Red Bank Regional High School to meet with students of the Academy of Sports Medicine and Management (ASM&M), and to discuss his amazing career as well as the ins and outs of both sports radio and TV production.

Showing videos of his TV programs to the classroom, Carlin observed that TV employs many more people than radio, where the announcer is more of a one-man show. He informed the students, “My job requires doing about five to six hours of homework a day; as I have to know every piece of minutia for this industry.”

During the presentation, Carlin gave the some sage advice on pursuing a career in these very competitive industries, stating, “I can’t stress this enough, unless you have some incredible talent, you need to work really hard to get where you want to go.”

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