TSAwinnersRBR Academy of Pre-Engineering students recently excelled at the TSA State competitions held at the College of New Jersey. Pictured are first-place winner Alisa Orsini; Brad Tully and Austin Turner, who with Ian Stafford (not pictured) won second place; and first-place winner Huston Migdon. All five students will go on to compete in the TSA national competition in Washington D.C.

Press release from Red Bank Regional High School

On April 2, students from Red Bank Regional High School Academy of Pre-Engineering (PLTW) competed and excelled in the New Jersey State Technology Student Association Technology (TSA) Competition, held at the College of New Jersey.

More than 1,600 students from throughout the state participated in this year’s competition, for which the theme was “The Spirit of Innovation.” RBR students brought home several first place wins. Huston Migdon of Bradley Beach, took first place in Prepared Presentation, and Alisa Orisini of Shrewsbury won first place for Flight Endurance. For her entry, Alisa had to build, fly, and trim a model airplane to make a long endurance flight inside a contained airspace.

The team of Ian Stafford (Little Silver), Austin Turner (Union Beach) and Brad Tully (Belmar) took second place in System Control Technology. They worked to develop a systematic solution to a problem, and build a computer controlled model to represent and illustrate their solution.

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