The crime reports below were provided by the Red Bank Police Department for the week of July 30 to August 6, 2010. The information appears here unedited.
Theft occurring between the dates of 7-28-10 and 7-30-10 at South St. Victim reported that unknown person(s) entered parked vehicle and stole two Garmin GPS Units, clothing, tools, Swiss army knife. Ptl. Robert Campanella.
Robbery occurring on 7-31-10 in the area of W. Bergen Place. Victim reported three black males approx. 20 to 25, two carrying baseball bats and one carrying a gun approached him from behind while he was walking. One accused grabbed him around the neck and the other two began striking the victim with the baseball bats, demanding money. The subjects stole cash and a Verizon Cell Phone and then fled the area in a vehicle. Ptl. Patrick Kennedy.