A messy dispute between Red Bank neighbors is headed to mediation.
At issue is a citizen’s complaint by Bank Street homeowner Lycet Ramos, whose doorbell security video caught two-time council candidate Allison Gregory and her husband, Mark Gregory, dumping trash in her driveway last month.
Mark and Allison Gregory dumping trash in Lycet Ramos’ driveway on October 4. (Lycet Ramos video. Click to enlarge.)
A dispute between Red Bank neighbors has gotten messy.
Two-time council candidate Allison Gregory and her husband, Mark Gregory, are facing harassment and other allegations filed by their next-door neighbor after the couple dumped trash in her driveway earlier this month – and were caught in the act on video.
Mourners gathered outside the Bank Street house where a melee led to the fatal knifing of Larry Yarbrough and the serious wounding of another man on August 7. (Photos by Dustin Racioppi; click to enlarge)
Almost a week after the stabbing death of Larry Yarbrough, friends and relatives by the dozens filled a Red Bank street Saturday to push for action against his alleged killers while urging others to band together to prevent another tragedy from happening again.
Members of Yarbrough’s family led a procession down of about 200 down Shrewsbury Avenue to the Bank Street scene of the killing and held a vigil at a makeshift memorial where balloons, candles, pictures and bottles of liquor lay next to the sidewalk.
A curbside memorial to stabbing victim Larry Yarbrough decorates a tree outside 9 Bank Street. Below, the home’s cleared-out living room, with a broken window boarded over. (Click to enlarge)
The owner of the Red Bank house that was the scene of a fatal knife-and-bottle melee early Sunday says the house was burglarized soon after crime-scene tape was removed by police Monday afternoon.
Landlord Sandra Meva tells redbankgreen that tenants contacted her shortly after investigators allowed them to return to the house at 9 Bank Street around 1 p.m. Monday and told her the house was in the process of being burglarized in broad daylight.
“They were just pulling stuff their stuff out of the house,” Meva said of the burglars.
Two Red Bank men were arrested Monday on murder charges following a knife-and-bottle fight that left a third man dead on Bank Street early Sunday morning, Monmouth County Prosecutor Peter Warshaw tells redbankgreen.
A second victim remains hospitalized in critical but stable condition, Warshaw said.
Arrested in Lakewood on weapons and murder charges were Jose Francisco Oliveres-Palma, 25, of River Street and Genarro Guerrero-Montes, of 9 Bank Street, the house outside which police, responding to a report of a disturbance, found the two victims lying in the street with “multiple stab wounds” before dawn Sunday, Warhsaw said.
Authorities have confirmed that Thursday’s “police operation” in the area of the Upper Navesink River in Red Bank was part of an on-going investigation for a Bank Street woman who went missing last week.
The Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office said it had launched an investigation, along with Red Bank and Eatontown police, into the whereabouts of 26-year-old Viridiana Beltran-Gomez, right.
Red Bank officials slapped developers of the River’s Edge project on Bank Street with an unsafe structure violation, which is being appealed. (Photo by Dustin Racioppi; click to enlarge)
When the developers of a waterside condominium project received approvals from the Red Bank zoning board back in August, the plan was to get started on construction within six to twelve months, they sai.
Now bumping up against the six-month mark, there’s been little action at the western end of Bank Street. And that’s going to have to change, says the borough.
Code enforcement has issued unsafe structure violations for the three vacant homes on the property, pushing the developers to make some sort of progress at the site.
“They’ve become a blight on the neighborhood,” said Administrator Stanley Sickels, who doubles as the borough’s construction official. “It’s time to take [them] down.”
The developer of River’s Edge has appealed the violations. The developer’s attorney, Kevin Coakley, told redbankgreen the move was to wait out any potential litigation against the developer.
Work on a condominium project at the end of Bank Street has stopped while the developer seeks a change of plans. (Photo by Dustin Racioppi; click to enlarge)
When Red Bank’s zoning board meets tonight, it will hold a public hearing for final site plan approval on a West Side development that already has the board’s OK. Construction even started, too.
That’s what some people are saying about the return of the RW @ River’s Edge condominium project. And not many know why.