Spotted by redbankgreen‘s Accidental Photographer on Oceanport Avenue in Little Silver on Sunday, this sign… well, wow. Perhaps a reminder to the folks who took part in Saturday’s Wedding Walk in Red Bank to choose well? Click to enlarge.
Meet Perry Jo. When he’s not busy tending to the toes and (ahem) other parts of customers at his pedicure and waxing salon, Estella Nails, on Broad Street in Shrewsbury, the athletic Jo takes it to the hoop.
Spotted by redbankgreen‘s Accidental Photographer at Garden State Auto Repair on Branch Avenue in Little Silver, this 1963 Rambler Classic seems to be saying something to passersby. But what?
With a blue tarp draped over its open hood creating the illusion of eternal blue skies ahead, and the blow-up globe in the back window not to mention its name this old jalopy seems to embody a wandering, open and hopeful spirit.
Or maybe that’s just us, feeling a little TGIF-y. What’s your take on it?
OK, we’re no entomologists here, but redbankgreen’saccidental photographer saw this mantis-looking fella chilling on a set of bicycle handlebars the other day and had to snap a pic.
Anybody out there know what this particular insect is called?
Just north of Point Road Elementary School on Seven Bridges Road in Little Silver, the weeds needed a trim. Enter Wayne Elsbree (aka Mohawk Wayne), who struck a pose for redbankgreen’s Accidental Photographer Friday morning as he tamed the roadside overgrowth.
Could Monmouth County have sent a more apt stylist for the job?
With less than three weeks to go before the start of spring, melting snow at Princeton Road and Park Avenue in Fair Haven left a wet spot that redbankgreen‘s accidental photographer took as a hopeful sign, weatherwise.
It’s beginning to look like winter out on the Shrewsbury River.
redbankgreen‘s accidental photographer captured this northward view of a dredge Thursday from the Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge, where a bridgetender told us the river has not frozen solid since 1996.
No, it’s not quite one of those new double-decker passenger trains. But the glass-smooth Navesink River did a nice job of mirroring everything above it when redbankgreen‘s accidental photographer snapped the arrival of this southbound train from Hubbard’s Bridge one evening last week.
Spotted by redbankgreen‘s accidental photographer one evening last week: a busy spider building a web near the corner of Hubbard Avenue and Navesink River Road in Middletown.
What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind…
redbankgreen‘s accidental photographer came across this little fella, apparently calling out to the kid who left it behind, at the corner of Broad Street (Route 35) and Monroe Avenue in Shrewsbury yesterday.
It’s got to be among the leading candidates for the official symbol of this damp summer: the literally lowly mushroom.
redbankgreen‘s Accidental Photographer found this one Sunday on Eastview Avenue in Little Silver. Do we have a mycologist among our readers who might identify it for us?
It’s not that the sun hasn’t been out so much as that it doesn’t seem to stay out for long. Today, and for the next few days, the weather forecast calls for a return to conditions associated with proliferating fungi. Which is to say cloudy with a chance of rain or even thunderstorms.