red bank what's going on hereBlack construction fencing surrounds a narrow lot Shrewsbury Avenue in Red Bank. 

What’s Going On Here? redbankgreen sneaks a peak through a hole in the fence…

The site, at Earl Street and Shrewsbury Avenue, as seen earlier this month. Below, an architect’s rendering of the planned. (Photos by John T. Ward. Rendering by Michael James Monroe. Click to enlarge.)

Five years after he won approval from the planning board, Howell-based developer Bekim Kosovrasti is erecting a three-story mixed-use structure at 160 Shrewsbury Avenue, a lot that’s just 50 feet wide by 150 feet deep.

That’s pretty much the size of a typical single-family home lot in town.

In fact, Kosovrasti’s project, at the corner of Earl Street, replaces a now-demolished house that was last used for office and retail space, according to testimony at a 2018 board hearing. The site abuts a parking lot owned by the Monmouth Rugby Football Club, whose clubhouse is located on the opposite side of Shrewsbury Avenue.

The plan calls for a 7,500-square-building, with on-site parking for nine cars and office space at street level, and four apartments on the upper two floors.

As seen in the rendering above, it will feature a mansard roof a Mediterranean-flavored facade of simulated stone and real brick. Vehicle access to and from the parking lot would be via Earl Street, a dead-end street.

Kosovrasti, who acquired the property for $196,000 in a 2017 sheriff’s sale, is “looking to complete by November 2024,” he told redbankgreen via text this week.

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