Superintendent Jared Rumage, second from left, with board members. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)

Press release by the Red Bank Borough Public Schools Board of Education

The Red Bank Borough Public Schools Board of Education is proud to announce that Dr. Jared J. Rumage, Superintendent of Schools, has been selected as the 2023 Monmouth County Superintendent of the Year.

Annually, superintendents from each of the nearly 60 school districts in Monmouth County nominate a superintendent who embodies the spirit of district leadership. This year, Dr. Rumage was recognized with this distinction by his colleagues during the monthly Monmouth County Superintendents’ Roundtable on Friday, March 24, 2023.

jared rumage 052319Superintendent Jared Rumage with Red Bank Middle School students in 2019. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)

As the 2023 Monmouth County Superintendent of the Year, Dr. Rumage will now apply to represent Monmouth County for the 2023 New Jersey Association of School Administrators (NJASA) Regional Superintendent of the Year. The selection qualifications for the State and National Superintendent of the Year include: meeting the needs of their students, demonstrated communication strength, a commitment to professional development and growth, and significant community involvement.

Dr. Rumage focuses on people, not programs. This includes building a strong culture, positive organizational climate, collaborating with stakeholders, cultivating community partnerships, and fostering a growth mindset. Since his arrival, he has successfully rebranded the district by creating a new narrative via multimedia outlets, personal school tours, the rebirth of the education foundation, and expanded partnerships. Red Bank was named a Lighthouse District due to an increase in student achievement growth. His visionary leadership led to a successful Strategic Plan update, the passing of a tax-neutral facilities referendum, the implementation of a 1:1 Chromebook program and co-teaching across all grades, all the while being underfunded $45 million over the past 10 years. Due to the strong structures and competent staff Dr. Rumage assembled, the district was able to successfully pivot during the pandemic. Through collaboration with the Board of Education, the annual tax levy growth decreased from 10% to 2% over the past 10 years while simultaneously strong maintenance and capital reserves were built.

In 2016, Dr. Rumage was named Friend of the Monmouth County Education Association and in 2022 received the Vin Gopal Civic Association Educational Leader Award. Dr. Rumage serves on the Executive Board of the Monmouth County Roundtable and the NJASA Special Education and Professional Development Committee. His eorts have led to numerous accolades for fiscal responsibility, exemplary educators, and competitive grant awards. “Dream BIG… We’ll help you get there!”is the district’s mantra and with Dr. Rumage at the helm, he has been able to inspire and enact those big dreams for the entire school community.

Dr. Rumage became Superintendent of Schools in Red Bank on July 1, 2014. Prior to this, he served as a special education teacher, athletic director, elementary school principal and middle school principal for nearly 20 years. Dr. Rumage resides in Fair Haven with his wife, Karen, and two children, Jamie and Dylan. Congratulations Dr. Rumage!

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