The Red Bank Regional High School Choir, above, and the Red Bank Charter School 2nd & 3rd Grade Choir, below, performed at the event. (Photos by Millie Jeter. Click to enlarge)

Press release from Pilgrim Baptist Church

On Monday, January 16, Pilgrim Baptist Church of Red Bank hosted the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Commemorative Celebration. Celebrants at the commemoration. (Photo by Millie Jeter. Click to enlarge)

This year’s event featured: the Red Bank Regional High School Choir, the Red Bank Charter School 2nd & 3rd Grade Choir; the Long Branch High School Air Force Jr. ROTC; and video presentations and special greetings from local political & community leaders.

The Rabbi Doug Sagal (Congregation B’Nai Israel of Rumson) inspired the capacity crowd and hundreds tuning in through the Live Streaming platform, with a stirring message of hope and faith.

Following the service, Pilgrim provided a meal for all those in attendance.  Community partners also distributed materials and resource information related to services available to the community.

Proceeds for the event will be donated to the Hope & Comfort Center of Red Bank. For further information about the event or to learn more about the Hope & Comfort Center, please call:  848-260-9076.