Joseph Pallante writes a comment on a display as his daughter, Evalyse Pallante, looks on at a Red Bank Master Plan workshop Monday night.
Planning board member Kristina Bonatakis speaking with residents at the event. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)
Hosted by Pilgrim Baptist Church, the event was the second of two opportunities this month for residents to offer in-person input on the Master Plan as the document gets its first full rewrite since 1995.
Pallante, an architect and Leonard Street resident, encouraged the borough to establish a consistent plan to replace crumbling curbs and residential water mains without saddling homeowners with the costs. Another resident, citing frequently locked rest rooms at Riverside Gardens Park, suggested better maintenance of public facilities.
New York City-based BFJ Planning, which is leading the update effort under a $150,000 contract, expects to have a working draft of the plan for the planning board in December or January, firm principal Susan Favate told the gathering of about two dozen residents.
The document would then have to be approved by the board and, ultimately, the borough council.
Here’s the interim report prepared by BFJ in September. Additional resources can be found on the planning and zoning page of the borough website.
(Photos by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)
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