Navigating sidewalks on Broad Street in downtown Red Bank is a bit of a challenge these days.
What’s the latest on the streetscape project that’s been underway since November in the streets northernmost blocks? Read on.
Underground water and sewer replacement work is nearly complete, public utilities director Cliff Keen told the borough council Wednesday night. Curb and sidewalk work is expected take another month, with paving and project completion expected in mid-July, he said.
Also Wednesday, Mayor Pasquale Menna appointed a Broadwalk committee to plan the restart of the seasonal in-street dining plaza.
On the committee are council members Ed Zipprich, Michael Ballard and Kate Triggiano. Menna rejected an earlier suggestion by the first two that they be joined by Councilwoman Angela Mirandi, saying he would instead appoint Triggiano in the interest of “balance.”
Also on the committee are various department heads and downtown restaurateurs John Arcara and George Lyristis. (Photos by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)
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