The council continues to meet via Zoom due to pandemic restrictions. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)
Red Bank’s borough council meets for its first regular session of the month Wednesday night.
Here’s what’s on the agenda, and what’s not.
On the agenda are two ordinances up for final adoption:
• Updates to the stormwater management ordinance.
• A change that would automatically make all members of the Environmental Commission members of its Green Team.
Up for formal introduction as ordinances:
• Revised bylaws for Red Bank RiverCenter, the manager of the borough’s statutorily defined special improvement district.
• A lease renewal for the police impound yard.
Among resolutions:
• One would reappoint three members of the Red Bank Housing Authority –Chairman Diem Jones and members Memone Crystian and Alecia Wilkerson – who because of circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic were unable to complete training as required within 18 months of their initial appointments.
• Renewing the contract for ambulance services with Community Health Group, a unit of Hackensack Meridian Health, which also owns Red Bank’s Riverview Medical Center.
• Another provides the annual reauthorization allowing the Monmouth County Mosquito Control Commission to conduct aerial spraying of pesticide as needed to control the insects.
• Hiring William Morrison to fill a vacant full-time position of administrative assistant.
• Another would authorize the hiring of John Soltesz as a part-time building official.
• Another would renew the shared services agreement under which Red Bank provides animal control services to Fair Haven.
• After adjournment, the council plans to go into closed-door executive session to discuss unspecified litigation.
• Not on the agenda as of early Monday is a measure to create a charter study commission to review the borough’s 113-year-old form of government and possibly pave the way for nonpartisan elections. Mayor Pasquale Menna told the triCity News in February that he would introduce such a measure in March.
• Here’s the full agenda. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m., and will be conducted via Zoom. Access and participation details can be found here.
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