With its first private trash contract winding down, Red Bank residents have an opportunity to weigh in on pickup frequency.

Via an online survey, the borough is asking residents about their garbage and recycling collection needs and preferences.

Business Administrator Ziad Shehady said nearly 5,500 postcards had been mailed, in English and Spanish, with the aim of alerting every residence in town about the online survey, which can be found here. Responses are also being accepted by phone at 732-704-9900.

The survey results will be used in soliciting bids for a new haulage contract, Shehady said last month.

The existing contract, with Delisa Demolition, of Tinton Falls, privatized what had long been municipal trash and recycling management. The three-year $1.49 million contract was later extended by two years under and option held by the borough.

The new contract would be effective September 1, and will also be structured as three-year deal with as two-year option, said Shehady.

In Red Bank, residential and some commercial trash is picked up twice weekly, and recycling twice monthly.

(Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)

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