fair haven nj police fhpdCrime and arrest reports, unedited, as provided by the Fair Haven Police Department for the month of April, 2019. For additional information, please scroll to the bottom of this post.

04/02- A Lake Ave resident reported that an unknown actor(s) fraudulently purchased several thousand dollars’ worth of watches utilizing her credit card. Ptl. Brook Robinson took the fraud report.

04/04- A Lake Ave resident reported receiving a suspicious package in the mail. Sgt. Jesse Dykstra took the report.

04/06- A Church Street resident reported that an unknown actor(s) had used his identity several years ago to make online purchased on a website. The identity theft was discovered during a credit check for a real estate transaction. Ptl. Brooks Robinson took the report.

04/10- A River Road resident reported that an unknown actor(s) attempted to open several accounts with the victim’s personal information. Ptl. Brooks Robinson took the report.

04/11- Kent Provine, 62, Lincroft was placed under arrest for DWI subsequent to a motor vehicle violation.  Subject was also charged with Reckless Driving and Failure to maintain lane. Mr. Provine was processed and released pending a Fair Haven Court Appearance.  Sgt. Stephen Schneider was the arresting Officer.

04/16- A Spruce Drive resident reported being defrauded attempting to make an online purchase on Facebook market place. S/O Thompson took the fraud report.

04/17- A Hance Road resident reported that an unknown actor(s) took a laptop computer from a vehicle during the overnight hours. Ptl. Michael Volker took the report.

04/30- A Lewis Lane resident reported that a previous acquaintance had sent her hundreds of emails during the previous weeks. Sgt. Stephen Schneider took the report.

Publisher’s Note: This compilation of crime and arrest reports was provided to redbankgreen by police, and appears here without any changes except for formatting. 

An arrest is not a finding of guilt: that’s something for a court to decide. redbankgreen publishes this information in continuation of a great American newspaper tradition because we believe it has community value.
If there is a factual error in this post, please let us know at redbankgreen@redbankgreen.com. But if this post is in itself accurate, please do not plead your case to us. Again, that’s for the court to decide.
If the charges against you are dismissed or you are found not guilty, please send us a copy of the case disposition report, obtainable from the municipal court clerk, and we will update the post to include that information.
redbankgreen does not under any circumstances remove arrest reports or other posts from its archive.