Business Administrator Ziad Shehady in December, above. Below, the council plans to advance plans for the redevelopment of the former VNA headquarters at 176 Riverside Avenue. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge)
A report on a claim of workplace discrimination and a step toward the building of what could become one of Red Bank’s largest residential projects are on the borough council’s agenda for Wednesday night.
The council is slated to accept an investigative report and adopt recommendations by outside labor counsel Weiner Law Group concerning an unspecified affirmative action complaint filed last October 12, according to the agenda.
Though the case isn’t identified, it matches the description of a complaint filed on behalf of former human resources manager Eva Biviano, who accused Business Administrator Ziad Shehady of subjecting her to “ongoing harassment, bullying, verbal abuse (including screaming) and otherwise threatening and aberrant behavior.”
Three days after the complaint, Biviano was told her position was being eliminated, according to her brother, Lane Biviano, an attorney who filed the complaint.
The Weiner report was not included in the agenda. Here’s the resolution: 19-69.PDF
Also on the docket:
• 2019-09 An Ordinance Designating A Portion Of Emanuel Court As A Pedestrian Mall Pursuant To N.J.S.A. 40:56-69 2019-09 PUBLIC HEARING.PDF
• 19-66 Resolution Awarding A Contract Pursuant To The Local Public Contracts Law To Lucas Construction Group, Inc., Red Bank, New Jersey, For Red Bank Primary School Emergency Access Driveway 19-66.PDF
• 19-67 Resolution Designating A Redeveloper For The Property Commonly Known As Block 3, Lots 2.01, 4.01, 6, And 9.01 On The Tax Map Of The Borough [176 Riverside Avenue, the former Visiting Nurse Association headquarters] And Authorizing The Execution Of A Redeveloper’s Agreement With Respect To Same. 19-67.PDF
• 19-68 Resolution Approving An Amendment To The Proposed Settlement Agreement With The Fair Share Housing Center Regarding The Borough’s Pending Declaratory Judgment Action.19-68.PDF
Here’s the complete agenda. The council meets at 6:30 p.m. in the first-floor council chamber at 90 Monmouth Street.