red bank nj holiday express light-up concertred bank nj holiday express light-up concertBrisk weather in Red Bank once again made for an ideal Holiday Express start to the Christmas season Friday night.

With the Tim McLoone-led band working its musical magic for the 26th time, several thousand kids and kids-at-heart crowded a stretch of Broad Street, singing along and counting down to the light-up of downtown trees. 

Check out redbankgreen‘s photos below to see if you recognize any smiling faces underneath all those fun hats. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge)

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert

red bank nj holiday express light-up concert