Press release from the Rumson School District

“True change requires a focus on creating a school culture that supports academic, social, emotional, and character development of children.” Maurice Elias

The Rumson School Guidance Department has established 10 Pillars of Character as the theme-based initiative for the 2017-2018 School Year to guide good choices for our students.

For the start of the school year, Rumson School District introduced the idea of Responsibility as it applies to the establishment of procedures and routines.  For the month of October, the focus was on Respect as it ties into the The Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act that requires school districts in New Jersey to designate time to educate all stakeholders about a positive school climate.

As a result, the district hosted an assembly for The Forrestdale School for grades 5-8 with Sgt. Thom Rich on Cybersafety.  He has been a keynote speaker at over 700 events nationally, reaching over 1,000,000 students worldwide. He has also been a featured expert on the subject of online safety and cyber-bullying for Good Morning America, CNN and Fox television.

His presentation not only wowed the students, but had such a huge impact on the students that they encouraged their parents to attend the first Parent Academy devoted to educating parents about Cybersafety the same night.  The Parent Academy was a success with almost 70 parents in attendance.

Educating our students and parents on Cybersafety ties into our theme for November Citizenship.  Additionally, the Rumson PTO supported the Deane Porter School for grades Pre-k-grade 4  by hosting the “No-Bullying” Magic Show by Dovetails Presentations Show about being an upstander, good friend and listener.  The show actually pulled a live rabbit out of a hat!  Thank you to the PTO and Rumson School District for supporting the Guidance Department’s new initiatives this school year as we hope that the development and infusion of such practices will have a positive impact in our school and community.

For more information about Sgt. Thom Rich’s program, please visit: