Flash mob dancers took over a portion of Broad Street in Red Bank for the worldwide ‘Dance for Kindness.’
Press release from Dance for Kindness
Over 200 dancers took to the streets of Red Bank on November 12th to promote kindness during World Kindness Week, uniting with over 120 cities, 50 countries and 15,000 participants.
Life Vest Inside, a non-profit organization on a mission to empower and unite the world with kindness, sponsored this World Wide “Dance for Kindness” event. This flash mob dance is a part of the global celebrations that inspires, empowers and educates people of all backgrounds to lead a life of kindness, showing that regardless of the differences in race, religion, ethnicity culture and background – the common thread that unites us all is kindness.
“Neighborhood Love Notes” were written with chalk throughout the streets by participants reminding onlookers that a simple act of kindness can change the life of another. Kindness posters created by the Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students from the Red Bank Charter School were displayed throughout the businesses on Broad Street between White Street & Mechanic Street.
Red Bank Catholic’s Dance Department and Varsity Cheerleaders participated this year excited to be invited to spread kindness in the Flash Mob Dance.
Terese Rölke, Red Bank’s DFK Group Leader for the past several years said, “People participating in this event absolutely love the experience and come back each year for this event! It brings local families and individuals together as one caring, loving, compassionate community, spreading the message of kindness. “
Life Vest Inside – Kindness Boomerang video “One Day” originated in Red Bank 7 years ago. Reminding us of how a simple act of kindness can change the life of another, this YouTube Video called Life Vest Inside – Kindness Boomerang “One Day” has over 27 million views today.