Middletown-based powerpop purveyors The Wag open a new season of free concerts in Fair Haven this Thursday evening, on the borough’s municipal dock. 

Some music is simply born of, and belongs to, the most dimly lit grottoes and claustrophobic corners of the nocturnal club-crawler’s world — not so The Wag, the Middletown-based band that emerges into sunlight each year around this time; taking to the season of open-air concert events (including the Clearwater Festival, the Red Bank Street Life series, and of course the annual Monmouth County SPCA Dog Walk) like ducks take to water.

Appropriately enough, The Wag will be partying with the waterfowl, plus other local fans and fauna, when they help inaugurate a new season of Fair Haven Dock Concert events this Thursday, July 6.

Scheduled to float its first note out over the picturesque Navesink at about 7:30 p.m., the free public-welcome happening spells a return to the borough’s Municipal Dock at the north end of Fair Haven Road, for the combo (co-fronted by Brian Ostering and Alicia Van Sant, with singer-songwriter-guitarist Don Lee often sitting in as well) whose upbeat, all-original power-pop represents one of the freshest local-music experiences to be had under the setting sun and stars.

The rock-around-the-dock series resumes on July 13 with a concert by Pat Murphy, and continues with appearances by Band of Two Rivers (July 27) and Sharksin Classic (August 17), with other possible schedulings to be announced. Call (732)747-0241 x216 for weather updates and details.