The spouses of two longtime figures in Red Bank politics passed away over the last week.
Doreen M. DuPont, seen above in 2015 with her husband, former borough Councilman Mike DuPont, died Friday morning following a long battle with breast cancer. A social worker at the Chapin Hill Nursing Home, she was 44 years old. In addition to her husband of 12 years, she is survived by twin children and a stepchild. A viewing is scheduled for Sunday at John E. Day Funeral Home, with services Monday at St. James Roman Catholic Church.
Her death follows last Saturday’s passing of Dorothy Nicosia, 95, the wife of former Mayor Ben Nicosia. A former hospital nurse, she is survived by her husband of 71 years and two daughters, one of whom, Lauren Nicosia, is chairperson of the Red Bank zoning board. A memorial gathering will be held at Thompson Memorial Home on April 6 from 4 to 7 p.m. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge)