the_white_road_cupIt began as a friendly flag-football rivalry between communities based at either end of White Road’s east-west artery — a “symbol of bestowed superiority” in which “one town’s dream is realized while the other’s is pushed to a shattering state of sorrow.”

This Friday, November 25, “The White Road Cup” marks its milestone 15th anniversary with a series of games for children, women and men, hosted on the turf at Red Bank’s Count Basie Field.

Kicking off at 9 a.m. and continuing into the early afternoon, the match-ups between “The Shrewsbury Tigers” and “The Little Silver Warriors” will be generating the expected volume of “playful trash-talking” and passionate partisanship among spectators on the sidelines — as well as a substantial fundraising effort for a worthy community-based cause: the educational/vocational programs and charitable endeavors of Red Bank’s own Lunch Break.

For the second consecutive year, the organizers of the White Road Cup will be donating $10,000 to Lunch Break; an amount drawn from individual and team registrations for the event, as well as other fundraising initiatives. While player registration has closed for all games, there’s plenty of room for cheerleading spectators, with attendees invited to bring clothing and non-perishable goods that can be donated to Lunch Break.

Schedule for the day’s games starts with a Kids’ Game for 5th and 6th grade boys and girls at 9 a.m., then continues with a Senior Game for men 40 and older (10 a.m.), a Powderpuff Game for women 18 and older (11 a.m.), a Junior Game for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls (12 p.m.), and the main-event Adult Game for men ages 18 to 39 (1 p.m.).

Last year’s winners from Little Silver look to maintain the momentum as defending holders of the coveted Cup — while Shrewsbury looks to return the trophy to the home that it’s occupied for 11 of the event’s 14 past contests. Take it right here for more fun facts and additional info.