Two bonds totaling $3.7 million in debt for a new well and water meters are up for possible adoption vote. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge)
Two bond ordinances and a plan to buy new water meters for nearly all Red Bank properties dominate the agenda for Wednesday night’s council meeting.
Facing a deadline for action, the council is expected to hold an adotion vote on two bonds totaling $3.7 million to pay for upgrades they say will help the town avoid restrictions on water usage and new connections to the water system.
One would authorize $1.9 million in new debt to replace nearly every water meter in town. The other would bond $1.83 million cover the cost a new water well to supply the borough-owned water utility.
“I’m sure this will pass,” Councilwoman Cindy Burnham posted on Facebook Tuesday, “because I have been told that I must recuse myself because my X husband sold Neptune Water Meters [the brand specified in a related bid resolution]. Even though I have been divorced from him for 18yrs.”
Burnham did not respond to a request for comment on who told her she must recuse herself.
Also on the agenda:
• A resolution appointing Jim Butler, Jr. as municipal prosecutor. He had held the post for a number of years before being displaced a year ago by Stephen Schueler.
• A resolution naming a “conflict public defender” to step in when the regular public defender has a conflict of interest.
• A resolution awarding to CivicPlus for hosting the borough’s website and handling its reverse 911 emergency notification system.
• A request by Indie Street to hold a film festival in conjunction with the Count Basie Theatre and Red Bank RiverCenter from July 6 to July 10.
Here’s the draft agenda.