Press release from Shrewsbury Chorale

Do you like to sing? Shrewsbury Chorale invites all interested local singers to participate in our Open Rehearsals on September  22 and 29, 2015, from 7:45 to 10 pm. We practice weekly on Tuesday evenings at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Monmouth County, 1475 West Front Street in Lincroft.

The Chorale is a mixed chorus serving Monmouth County for almost 60 years. As we begin our new season, we welcome  Mark C. Cook as our interim conductor. Mr. Cook is a familiar face to our audiences. He has performed admirably as our accompanist for the past four years. Mr. Cook has accompanied soloists and choral ensembles throughout the United States and Europe. Currently, he serves as Organist/Music Director for the Church in Brielle. We are fortunate to be able to employ his many talents in this new capacity of interim Conductor/Accompanist.

The Shrewsbury Chorale will begin rehearsing for the December 20 holiday concert, the first of its three season performances. Scores will be provided and there is no charge. If you like what you see and hear, schedule an audition by calling Joy More at (732)216-3907. For more information, call (732)747-1362, email, or visit