rb library 092214The new Leader Reader series at the library is meant to introduce children to different careers. First up: redbankgreen publisher John T. Ward, below. (Click to enlarge)

jtw 3 083113 4The Red Bank Public Library introduces a new monthly feature called “Leader Readers” this Saturday.

“The idea for Leader Readers is to introduce the kids to old-fashioned community role models,” says children’s librarian Sira Williams.

The series, for children aged 3 to 10, kicks off this Saturday with redbankgreen‘s John T. Ward showing off the tools of his trade, talking about reporting, and reading “Rocket Writes a Story.”

Included in each of the sessions is a related craft. For Ward’s appearance, for example, kids will create little cameras and notebooks.

The series enables children “to hear about the work of the readers and how they help people,” Williams says.

Future readers include home improvements specialist David Prown, on Saturday, April 11, and Mayor Pasquale Menna on Saturday, June 13.

(The series skips May, when the children’s room will instead hold its quarterly Artsy Smartsy class, this one on the subject of Andy Warhol).

The Friends of the Red Bank Public Library will provide snacks. Registration is required to enable the library staff to prepare craft supplies and snacks. Contact the Children’s Room at 732-842-0690 x 115 or email