MimiNowakProjectThe Mimi Nowak Project raises the roof at the Red Bank Woman’s Club for a Reckless Steamy Friday Night on January 30 — while the Jazz and Blues Foundation returns to raise some funds on February 6. (Photo by Sarah Pritchard)

Music fans who’ve been faithful houseguests for Reckless Steamy Friday Nights have a double-shot of good times coming their way in the week ahead — keynoted by the return of the long-running series of monthly house parties hosted inside the historic Red Bank Woman’s Club at 164 Broad Street (and presented by the Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Foundation) this Friday, January 30.

Running between 8:30 and 10:30 pm, the event represents an intimate audience with The Mimi Nowak Project, the purveyor of classic blues and rock songs that pairs vocalist Nowak with a five-piece band of likeminded souls (keyboardist Bob Stasiak, guitarist Steve Sadowski, sax and flute man Dan Kiely, drummer Paul Levinsky, bassist Joey Van Winkle) that competed in the regional finals of the 2014 International Blues Competition. It’s a best-kept-secret attraction that’s uniquely Red Bank — and it’s BYOB, so drop on in; have a look around the historic home and simply enjoy an experience you’ll not likely duplicate anywhere else. Admission ($10) is dedicated to the JSJBF Scholarship Fund as well as the Woman’s Club — and the Jazz and Blues folks return to the old Anthony Reckless house on February 6 for a bluesy bonus feature.


Going up between 8:30 and 11 pm, the evening boasts the welcome return to the Woman’s Club of a Red Bank favorite — blues authority and southpaw stringbender Gary Wright (click the link for an epic conversation with Mr. Wright on redbankgreen). While there’s no evidence that Gary was in any way responsible for “bringing the house down” during his first solo scheduling at the Reckless estate (the gig had to be postponed due to ceiling problems), he’s since been welcomed back to the Club — and he’ll be bringing his bracing brand of blues authentica back to the fold for a special event designed to raise funds for the JSJBF Youth Ensemble. The kids will be performing as well, and a suggested donation of $15 includes refreshments (although it’s still BYOB, if you’re asking). Call (732)933-1984 for deep details — and keep it tuned to the Reckless for other upcoming events in the Steamy Nights series, including a February 27 appearance by The Andy Rothstein Band.