Press release from EFLS
The Education Foundation of Little Silver (EFLS) today announced the purchase of state-of-the-art technology items, including Chromebooks, SmartBoards, camcorders and more, for the Little Silver public school system. The purchase was made possible thanks to the “Little Silver’s Got Talent” fundraiser held last spring.
In addition, the parent-based foundation announced that the 2015 campaign will feature a newly-revised grant-submission process that will enable community members to directly fund teacher-submitted technology grant requests.
The $65,000 raised in 2014 will be used to purchase SmartBoards and styluses; Chromebooks; digital voice recorders; camcorders; wireless mice; NXT Intelligent Bricks (used to build intelligence machines or robots), as well as to replace theater and performing arts equipment that is many decades old.
“It’s the goal of the EFLS to enrich the lives of our Little Silver students by providing hands-on learning experiences through technology and other resources, and the products we were able to purchase this year will greatly enhance the way our kids learn, including those with different learning abilities,” said Kelly Cullen, EFLS President.
Point Road Elementary School principal Dr. Pamela Albert Devine said, “The use of technology in the classroom enhances both student engagement and motivation and enables students to take a more active role in their learning. In addition, technology tools allow families to become more involved by having greater access to what is going on in the classroom.”
New technology demands such as repairs, upgrades, infrastructure, and external pressures — like the upcoming PARCC exams — have created a funding gap for the Little Silver District. As such, the main goal for the EFLS in the 2014-2015 school year is to substantially increase community fundraising. A component of this effort is a revised grant process where the teachers are being invited to submit proposals for funding earlier in the school year. Teacher applications will be reviewed on a competitive basis without set quotas for school, grade level, or subject matter.
Once the grant submissions have been vetted, in collaboration with the Little Silver School Administration, the community will be invited to directly fund requests as part of the EFLS fundraising event this spring. This year’s event celebrates the 20th anniversary of the EFLS. It will be held on Friday, March 6 at the Ocean Place Resort in Long Branch.