Little Silver Many of Red Bank Regional High Schools students come from beach towns and were faced with tragedy when their homes were struck by Hurricane Sandy. Some lost everything they owned, including crucial technology needed for their studies.
To help remedy this unforeseen loss, the RBR Education Foundation recently established the RBR Education Foundation Disaster Relief Fund in the amount of $10,000 to provide loaner educational technology such as laptops and calculators to students who lost those important tools in Hurricane Sandy.
Laptops have already been purchased and distributed to those identified with the most urgent need. According to RBR Principal Risa Clay, the technology will remain with the students until they graduate high school and then recycled for other RBR students in need of the technology.
We were delighted to be able to move quickly provide this important program for our students in this very difficult time,” said RBREF President Paul Noglows. “This is what the Foundation is all about, to directly aid the education of Red Bank Regionals students.
Sea Bright The annual holiday office party of the Sawtooth Group doubled as a fundraising event, as the Red Bank-based advertising and marketing agency donated $5,000 to Sea Bright Rising, a nonprofit created after Hurricane Sandy dedicated to providing relief to those affected in Sea Bright.
Sawtooth founder Bill Schmermund presented the check to Sea Bright Rising founder Chris Wood, owner of Woody’s Ocean Grille. There was also a 50/50 and raffle to raise additional money at the event.
We chose Sea Bright Rising because it has been a huge part of the lives of many of our employees,” said Sawtooth partner Kristi Bridges. “Many of them grew up going to the beach there, and many of us have watched our kids grow up there. We also have an employee who lives there.
The event was held December 12 at at the Downtown
Red Bank This month, Troy Container Line announced its plan to donate 2,500 hot meals to Lunch Break as a way to give back to its community for the holidays.
The donations will be made in the name of Troys clients, vendors and friends, and will mark the second year of the shipping companys pay-it-forward approach to holiday gifting.
In lieu of business-to-business gifting, Troy Container Line looks forward to giving back to members of the Red Bank community this holiday season,” said Michael Cadden Troy, founder and CEO of Troy Container Line. “As many continue to struggle with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, every contribution to Lunch Break is incredibly valuable to the organization and the community it serves.