Red Bank-area theaters and other arts institutions now have a hometown friend in Trenton.
The Star-Ledger reported Sunday that former borough councilwoman Grace Cangemi has been named to the state Council on the Arts by Governor Chris Christie.
From the Sledger:
Mary-Grace Cangemi of Red Bank is one of four people nominated recently by Christie to the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. A former Red Bank councilwoman, Cangemi worked for a performing arts series at Monmouth University and for Concerts East, a local promoter. She also runs a scholarship fund that sends New Jersey students to music school.
Cangemi is also the girlfriend of Jersey Shore musician Pat Guadagno, brother-in-law of Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno, who oversees the arts council.
“Pat is an avowed Democrat. Being his girlfriend had very little to do with this appointment,” Cangemi, a Republican, told The Auditor. “Kim and I were friends before Pat and I were together.”
Cangemis nomination has to be confirmed by the state Senate before she takes her seat on the 17-member volunteer board. The arts council is responsible for distributing state and federal funds to hundreds of museums, orchestras, dance troupes and other arts organizations.