diane-goochTwo River Times publisher Diane Gooch plans to file papers today declaring her candidacy for Congress in a district she doesn’t reside in, a plugged-in Republican reports on his blog.

The vice chair of the Monmouth County GOP plans to take on sixth-district Democrat Frank Pallone, says Art Gallagher, who got the news straight from Gooch herself.

From Gallagher’s MoreMonmouthMusings blog:

“I gave it a great deal of thought and talked to a lot of people,” Gooch said, “I wouldn’t be running unless I thought I could win. I think I can win, not because I am so great, but because Frank Pallone is so bad.”

She really said that.

Gooch will be stepping down from her duties as publisher of the Two River Times, in order to wage her campaign full time.

Gooch and her husband, gazilionaire Wall Street trader Mickey, live in Rumson, which is in the twelfth district.

Pallone has held the sixth-district seat, and its predecessor under an earlier districting plan, since 1988,