There’s just one week to go before the much-anticipated opening of an Urban Outfitters in downtown Red Bank, if second-hand reports are to be believed. (The Philly-based company hasn’t said a word publicly about when the store will open, and doesn’t respond to inquiries about it.)
Meantime, the place is abuzz with carpenters and other tradespeople getting the space ready.
Reader Linda Schwabenbauer grabbed this wonderful shot over the weekend of plastic-wrapped mannequins arrayed in a window on the Broad Street side of the store, which will be located at the corner of West Front Street. Thanks for sending it in, Linda.
Have you got a great shot, or series of them, that captures some slice of life in the Red Bank area? Feel free to email it to us here, and we’ll consider it for publication, with credit, in this new feature, which we call Viewfinder. It would be helpful if you put the word ‘Viewfinder’ in the subject line, too, thanks.