Scenes from the opening night reception at the Two River Theater last Saturday night. To enlarge the display, start it, then click the embiggen symbol in the lower right corner. To get back to redbankgreen, hit your escape key.
Now in its first full week of stagings, the Two River Theater Company‘s run of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream‘ has already been extended by a week.
The Red Bank company, citing boffo activity, announced the tag-on yesterday.
Star-Ledger theater writer Peter Filichia pretty much raves about the production top to Bottom in a review today.
The seven-show extension includes four student matinees on November 10 through 13 at 10a (two of which have already sold out), and three regular performances, on Friday, November 13 and Saturday, November 14 at 8p, and Sunday, November 15 at 3p.
And for Shakespeare fans thirsting for a taste of blood, the theater is putting on a free screening, tonight only, of a video of it’s smash-hit production of Macbeth, co-directed in 2008 by magician Teller and TRTC artistic director Aaron Posner. Full details are available on redbankgreen‘s sibling site, Red Bank oRBit.