rbpd-patrol-webCrime reports provided by the Red Bank Police Department for the week of October 2 to October 9, 2009. This information appears here unedited.

Theft occurring on 10-1-09 at W. Front St.-construction site. Victim reported that unknown person(s) stole a Hilti Leveling Laser from site. Ptl. George Travostino.

Criminal Mischief occurring between 10-2-09 and 10-3-09 at Manor Drive. Victim reported that unknown person(s) let the air out of tires on parked vehicle. Ptl. Jorge Torres.

Shoplifting occurring at Broad St. on 10-4-09. Victim reported that an unknown white female swiped a Customer card and left with groceries without paying the bill. Ptl. Jorge Torres.
Theft occurring at Wallace Street residence between 10-2-09 and 10-5-09. Victim reported that cash was stolen from bedroom. Ptl. Ashon Lovick.

Theft, Burglary occurring at Leighton Ave. residence on 10-5-09. Unknown person(s) pried open the front door of residence, gaining entry. Three victims reported that money and jewelry were stolen from rooms which had been ransacked in residence. Ptl. Robert Campanella.

Theft occurring at Arthur Place residence on 10-7-09. Victim reported that unknown black male entered house and stole a Microsoft X-Box Game System from basement. Ptl. Gary Watson.

Theft from vehicle occurring at E. Front St. on 10-7-09. Victim reported that unknown person(s) stole a Verizon Blackberry Cell phone from parked vehicle. Ptl. David Hicks.

ARRESTS 7 Contempt of Court

Gregory Stanley, age 19 male from Middletown was arrested on 10-8-09 in the area of Monmouth St. for False Report to Law Enforcement by Inv. Wendy Samis

Thelma Harrison, age 46 female of Red Bank was arrested on 10-7-09 in the area of River St. for, Aggravated Assault, Poss. of a Weapon w/Unlawful Purpose and Unlawful Poss. of Weapon by Inv. Juan Sardo.

Gerry Cofer, age 30 male from Langhorne, Pa was arrested on 10-6-09 in the area of Riverside Ave. for Poss. of Drug Paraphernalia and Hindering Apprehension by Ptl. Ashon Lovick. Ptl. Thomas Doremus.

Jorge Bautista-Cruz, age 29 male of Red Bank was arrested on 10-4-09 in the area of Shrewsbury Ave. for Disorderly by Ptl. Michael Campanella.

Stephanie Thomas, age 24 female of Red Bank was arrested on 10-4-09 in the area of Wallace St. for Giving False Information by Ptl. George Travostino.

Dernell Kyles, age 21 male of Asbury Park was arrested on 10-3-09 in the area of English Plaza, for DWI and Resisting Arrest by Ptl. Beau Broadley.

Rodrigo Vaquerro-Sandoval, age 29 male of Red Bank was arrested on 10-3-09 in the area of W. Sunset Ave. for Disorderly Conduct by Ptl. Paul Perez.

A juvenile male age 14 of Red Bank was arrested on 10-2-09 in the area of Monmouth St. for Disorderly Conduct by Ptl. James DePonte.