

Who wouldn’t get excited at the mention of the name Dick Hyman? In today’s edition of Red Bank oRBit, we enumerate the ways in which the appearance of the 82-years-young master of music excites interest from all different corners — whether you’re a scholar of traditional jazz, a madman for space-age bachelor pad pop, a patron of the arts or a film fanatic with a woody for the work of  Mr. Allen.

The jazz keyboard giant enters our orbit this Sunday, in a concert at the Axelrod PAC in Deal Park. He’ll be teamed with another extraordinary gent — Dr. Art Topilow (at left in the photo above), the piano ace who also happens to hold down a day gig as director of hematology and oncology at Jersey Shore Med Center. We’ve got an exclusive chat with the man they call Doctor Jazz, in which he heps us to the origins of his association with Dick Hyman as he walks the line between things Hippocratic and hipster-credible.

While we’re down around Asbury way, we’ll attempt to find out why everyone’s selling the place short this weekend — as in the first annual Short Play Festival at the historic Crane House, and the Asbury Shorts festival of indie mini-movies, an event hosted by the new Most Trusted Man in America, MTV’s own Kurt Loder.

It’s all here, with way more to come on a typically Octo-WOW autumn weekend, only in Red Bank oRBit.