In today’s edition of Red Bank oRBit, correspondent Dorothy Creamer goes deep undercover to bring you a unique insiders perspective on Oklahoma!, the beloved Rodgers & Hammerstein musical going up this weekend at the Count Basie Theatre in a new revival by the borough-based Phoenix Productions.
Dorothys even gone so far as to get herself cast in the role of ever-feisty Aunt Eller and in a dispatch from the frontier of the stage, she describes her love for the show, her pride in this production (featuring Jennifer Forziati and Sean Openshaw, pictured above), and her respect for the character she describes as a kind of superhero who churns butter regularly for upper body strength.
Also, be sure to check back into oRBit over the coming days for our picks on whats doing (and/or do-able) over the weekend…from a free concert of unaccompanied Gaelic vocalizing and a hair-band silver jubilee, to serious suburban biking, extreme mini-golf and what promises to be one rockingly arty birthday party. All this and a little bit more, here in Red Bank oRBit!