Crime reports provided by the Red Bank Police Department for the week of September 18 to September 25, 2009. This information appears here unedited.
Criminal Mischief occurring at Mechanic St. between 9-17-09 and 9-18-09. Report of graffiti deployed onto the garage door of firehouse by unknown suspect(s). Ptl. Michael Campanella.
Criminal Mischief occurring on 9-20-09 at English Plaza. Victim reported that unknown person(s) shattered the rear windshield of parked vehicle. Ptl. Heather Publyski.
Criminal Mischief occurring at West Front St. between 9-19-09 and 9-2-09. Victim reported that unknown person(s) damaged vehicle by bending back drivers side mirror and breaking glass in same. Ptl. Jorge Torres.
Criminal Mischief occurring at Maple Ave.Office Building between 9-18-09 and 9-19-09. Victim reported that unknown person placed a hose in the window well of building and turned the water on. Water damaged walls and carpets of two offices. Ptl. Michael Zadlock.
Robbery occurring on 9-20-09 at West Sunset Ave. Victim reported that three male subjects, assaulted him and stole wallet and cell phone and fled the area. Later arrested were two juvenile subjects from Red Bank and one adult subject, Eugene Jackson from Red Bank who were charged with aggravated assault and robbery . Inv. Juan Sardo.
Shoplifting occurring at Broad, retail store on 9-21-09. Owner reported that two unknown teenage females entered the store and left without purchasing any items. Owner discovered after their departure, three pieces of costume jewelry missing from display. Ptl. Nicholas Maletto
Shoplifting incident occurring at Broad St. on 9-21-09. Subject shoplifting a piece of fish without paying for same. Subject apprehended and warned not to return to store. Ptl. Robert Campanella.
Shoplifting occurring at Broad St. on 9-21-09. Victim reported that unidentified male subject described as a white male, approx. 510, red curly hair filled a handheld shopping basket with baby formula and exited the store without paying for same. Security followed subject outside and he dropped the basket and contents onto ground fleeing the area. Ptl. Dawn Shields.
Criminal Mischief occurring on 9-23-09 at Locust Ave. Victim reported that unknown person(s) scratched parked vehicle with long deep scratches the entire length of drivers side. Ptl. Michael Campanella.
Assault occurring on 9-23-09 at River St. Victim reported that a female subject described as light skinned, wearing prescription glasses, cut his arm with box cutter type knife. Subject fled the area. Ptl. Jorge Torres
ARRESTS 9 Contempt of Court
Amy Matheny, age 40 female from Holmdel was arrested on 9-24-09 in the area of Broad St. for Shoplifting by Ptl. Michael Campanella.
Gabriel Ramos, age 65 male from Eatontown was arrested on 9-24-09 in the area of Wall St. for Disorderly Conduct by Ptl. George Travostino.
Roy E. Watson, age 55 male from Red Bank was arrested on 9-24-09 in the area of E. Newman Springs Rd. for DWI by Ptl. James DePonte.
A juvenile male age 17 from Red Bank was arrested on 9-22-09 in the area of W. Sunset Ave. for Agg. Assault and Robbery by Inv. Juan Sardo.
Eugene Jackson, age 18 male of Red Bank was arrested on 9-21-09 in the area of W. Sunset Ave. for Agg. Assault and Robbery by Ptl. George Travostino.
A juvenile male age 17 of Red Bank was arrested on 9-21-09 in the area of W. Sunst Ave. for Agg. Assault and Robbery by Ptl. George Travostino.
Jose Piedra-Garcia, age 28 male from Red Bank was arrested on 9-20-09 in the area of Monmouth St. for Obstructing Administration of Justice by Ptl. David Hicks.
John Simone, age 44 male from Shrewsbury was arrested on 9-19-09 in the area of Maple Ave. for DWI ty Ptl. Heather Pubyslki
Joseph Gianconia, male age 26 of Staten Island, NY was arrested on 9-19-09 in the area of Broad St. for DWI and Auto Theft by Ptl. David Hicks
Michelle Cifelli, age 29 female of Holmdel was arrested on 9-19-09 in the area of Gold St. for DWI by Capt. Darren McConnell.
Juliana Rodre, age 20 female from Middletown was arrested on 9-18-09 for Robbery by Ptl. Wendy Samis.