Today’s Red Bank oRBit brings you an interview with Marybeth Maida Red Bank resident, Borough Education Foundation vice president, mom and media professional to say nothing of active, dynamic, even innovative cancer survivor.
In tandem with her good friend and cosmetics industry insider Debbie Kiederer, she’s also the author of Beauty Pearls for Chemo Girls, the world’s first guide to makeup, wigs, skin care, nutrition and spiritual wellbeing aimed at women who are undergoing chemotherapy. Marybeth and Debbie have chosen Red Bank’s own Frank Talk Art Bistro and Books for their first-ever promotional appearance, and they’ll be signing books and introducing their new website Saturday afternoon followed at Frank Talk by a “Naturally You Hair Mixer” presided over by sibling success stories (and natural hair care experts) Candace and Palisa Kelley.
It’s all here, in the one place that tops the summer reading list at the virtual beach Red Bank oRBit!