

Today’s edition of Red Bank oRBit issues a little bit of a reminder about two high-profile shows on local stages in the coming days — a Wednesday appearance by John Legend and India.Arie (pictured above) at the Basie, preceded by a Tuesday concert at the PNC starring those somewhat less photogenic (but no less legendary) feudin’ pals Crosby, Stills & Nash.

In the case of the Legend show, it’s a chance to see this top-shelf pop act in a cozier setting than his Thursday night appearance at Madison Square Garden. With CSN, it’s an opportunity to catch them before their new album with career fluffer Rick Rubin makes them cool again.

From there it’s down to Asbury Park, where we revisit ReVision Theatre Company at the roundhouse setting of the historic Carousel house, scene of last year’s buzzed-about production of Hair and now a new revival of The Full Monty, that merry musical of unemployed steelworkers, emasculated husbands and the practical benefits of male stripping.

We talk to director David Leidholdt for an inside look at this one-of-a-kind performance venue, along with the state of local professional theatre and some thoughts on a show that mixes Broadway veterans with a couple of young actors from Rumson, Andrew Newsome and Jake Cameron.

Just as in Monty, stick around and all will be revealed, right here in your friendly neighborhood oRBit!