
This week’s Where Have I Seen This commingles our weekly appetite for the visual details of our community with a fascination over the endless recycling of the English language.

‘Comingle,’ by the way, appears not to be a misspelling; according to the online version of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, there’s a precendent for rendering it with a single ‘m,’ though it is far more commonly spelled ‘commingle.’

It is, however, a verb, not a noun, as suggested by the above.

Anyway, email us, please, if you know where all this mingling takes place.

Last week, we showed you what Jessica Paviluk has since identified as “the amazingly ugly cell phone tower in Rumson that is supposed to resemble a tree.” Geoff Nicholas dubbed it “the giant pipe cleaner.” Cathi Swett, alluding to its placement next to the Navesink,  said it “looks extra freaky from out on the river.”

Also writing in were Tim Lake, Michael Gilligan, Ken Ameika, Jenn Woods, Trista Clayton, Sandra Talarico, the Colmorgen Kids (minus Kathy Lou, who was away on vacation, Carl wanted us to know), Thomas Doremus, J.C. Kelly, Rumson Mayor John Ekdahl (who said it is “located behind the newly opened and beautiful Borough Hall“), Adam O’Brien, Trish DePonti, Ellen Clayton, Renee Michelle Moreau, Wade Davis, Walt Cuje and Anna Higgins.

Only one of them was wrong about the location, mistaking it for a cell tower at Shrewsbury’s municipal complex.